Gabriel B. LenhartMay 5, 2016Lessons to Learn in the Wake of Prince's DeathThe untimely death of superstar Prince has brought a surprising issue to American living rooms: estate planning. If current reports are...
Gabriel B. LenhartAug 13, 2015Wills vs. TrustsThe question inevitably crosses my desk at least once a month, “Do I really need a trust, isn’t a will enough?” Predictably, the...
Gabriel B. LenhartAug 13, 2015Who Will Take Care of You?This question looms in the back of our minds and enters our consciousness more and more as we get older. For those with family members,...
Gabriel B. LenhartApr 16, 2015When to Update Your Estate PlanMost people put a lot of time and thought into creating their estate plan in order to save their family from the complexities and...
Gabriel B. LenhartNov 16, 2013Pitfalls of A/B TrustsThere are many different kinds of trusts, some more complex than others and are used for tax benefits. While these tax benefits may have...
Gabriel B. LenhartMay 17, 2013Estate Planning 101The certainty that the only certainties in life are death and taxes has existed almost since time immemorial. These certainties are a...